We're in the field.
I'll be here til sundown.

We have apples!
Bring anything.

When you arrive,
we'll be new.

  • Improv Theater, Song, and Movement
  • Authentic Relating & Circling
  • Dialogue Circles
  • Listening Circles
  • 1-on-1 Sessions
Previous Events
Sunday, January 28th, 2024
7 - 9:30pm
The Hidden Temple
Florence, MA

It's your dream. What will you do with it?

Join us for authentic relating, improvised song, dance, and theater.
Creative Living Workshop
Saturday, April 29th, 2023
2 - 6pm
Wesleyan University ORSL
Middletown, CT

Explore how to incorporate intention-setting, spontaneity, creativity, and vulnerability into your life.